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Nutrition [2]
Disclaimer: the information given here is for general advice only, and should be treated as such. If specific, detailed nutritional advice is needed, you are advised to see a qualified nutritionist.

We all know that vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables, and we should be eating a fair amount of these. Vitamins can be of the water soluble(B and C) or fat soluble(A,D,E & K) variety. Good sources of vitamins include dark-green or brightly - coloured vegetables, dairy products, carrots, fish oil, liver, fruit, fish liver, dairy products, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, sunflower oil, corn oil & turnips.

Free radicals & antioxidants
Very active people can suffer from the effects of free radicals, which can damage body fats, proteins, blood vessels and body membranes, leading to tissue damage and wrinkled skin. These people need lots of vitamins A, C and E - in other words, lots of fruit & dark-green or brightly - coloured vegetables like broccoli, spinach, yellow, orange and red fruit peppers, carrots, nuts, apricots etc

What if you have too many vitamins?
Water-soluble vitamins are urinated out, but fat-soluble vitamins can be toxic, especially vitamin A

We need to drink more water than we think, in general. A 2% loss of water leads to poor performance, slow metabolism, low energy, tired muscles, low blood pressure, lack of blood to the brain, poor concentration and tiredness. A 5% loss of water can be fatal !
Sedentary people need about 2-2.5 litres per day, but active people need about 5 litres per day

Hypertonic drinks (like many soft drinks) are more concentrated than blood, and they de-hydrate you.
Isotonic drinks have the same concentration as blood, so they will re-hydrate you. Most fruit juices are actually hypertonic, so it is better to mix them with the same amount of water to make them isotonic.
Hypotonic drinks have a lower concentration than blood, and will re-hydrate you.
Diuretics like alcohol and caffeine will dehydrate you.

Why is fad dieting, or not eating enough, or eating irregularly bad for you?
If enough carbohydrates are not taken in, your body needs energy from SOMEWHERE, even if you are resting - the problem is even worse if you are active. Active muscles use up blood glucose; when this drops, the brain finds it cannot get enough of its only energy source. So it sends out a request for more energy ( I'm hungry! ) - but if you don't eat, your body has to literally cannibalise some of your own muscles to make glucose in the liver! So if you exercise while hungry, you will be less efficient at fat burning, your performance will be poor AND you will be using up your own muscles !

The basic food - energy formula

if food energy taken in is more than the energy used up, you will put on weight.
If food energy taken in is less than the energy used up, you will lose weight.

A great many fad diets rely on restricting your intake of certain foods, which is not good for you in the long term, as it is not a balanced diet. It is quite common to lose your own muscle mass which you actually need to keep your metabolism at a higher level! Also you lose lots of water. People DO lose weight initially, but this slows down eventually. This is because your body adapts to what it sees as starvation. So then the only solution is to starve themselves even further or give up. Eventually most people DO give up, which severely knocks their self-confidence and motivation.

As mentioned above, it is not a good idea to cut down on your food intake - your body thinks it is starving, and actually HOLDS ON to your energy reserves. So what is the solution?

There is no secret to losing weight - eat a healthy balanced diet AND GET ENOUGH EXERCISE! Unfortunately, most fad diets miss out the bit about exercise.


If you only eat when you are hungry, its probably too late because your glucose levels have gone down.
Three meals with a large gap in between is not good.
If you over-eat the wrong sort of calories in large amounts, you will slow down the absorption of food - it will stay in your digestive system too long, making you feel full and sluggish.
You need to snack on small amounts at regular intervals - for example every 2-4 hrs
Complex carbohydrates should ideally be 60% of what you snack on. Have a look at this link on more healthy eating guidelines.

DON'T exercise on an empty stomach.
WHY? Because you will start to use up your own muscles for energy. You need your muscles! Also you will possibly feel faint. If you haven't had time for a snack, a banana or a sugary drink just before should help.

DON'T do exercise too soon after eating
WHY? Because food in your stomach will not be properly digested - you may get stomach cramps

DO eat something within 2 hours of exercise
WHY? Because your body needs energy stores after exercise. If it doesn't get more energy, it starts to burn up your muscle mass! Remember, 60% of what you do eat should be carbohydrate.

DON'T just rely on sugary or high - energy intake foods / drinks for sports performance

WHY? Because unless the extra energy is used up pretty quickly, it will be turned into body fat. The best way to improve your performance is to train for it, by using a well - designed training programme which takes you out of your comfort zone if need be, and results in long - term changes in how your body's energy systems work.

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